The Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer

Welcome to the Parish of St. Isidore the Farmer.
One Parish, serving those who worship at the
St. Andrew Worship Site in Jobstown and the Assumption Worship Site in Wrightstown .
A Roman Catholic Community in the Heart of New Jersey

The Parish of St. Isidore the Farmer - Mass and Reconciliation Schedule


3:30 pm Reconciliation - St. Andrew

4:00 pm Mass - St. Andrew

5:00 pm Reconciliation - Assumption

5:30 pm Mass - Assumption


8:00 am Mass - Assumption

9:30 am Mass - St. Andrew
11:00 am Mass -

12:30 Baptisms - 3rd Sunday

at Assumption

Daily Mass

8 am Mass at Assumption Chapel
Monday through Thursday,
8 am Communion Service on Friday.

Local "Live Stream" Masses

Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold, NJ -

St. Aloysius Parish, Jackson, NJ -

St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square, NJ -

St. Joseph Parish, Toms River, NJ -

Welcome to St. Isidore Parish.
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